Who Has Right to Free Courses?

Your residence permit status determines if you have the right to free education or you must pay. Newly arrived foreign nationals over 16 years of age, who have the right and obligation to education according to the Introduction Act, are entitled to participate in Norwegian language training and social studies free of charge. 

Read more: Right and obligation to Norwegian language training (in Norwegian).



You can contact the school in case you are unsure if you have right to free language training. We can help you by reviewing your residence permit and other documents issued by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) and the Police.

In case you have the right and obligation to free Norwegian language training and social studies, you must complete your studies within a period of 3 years.


Apply for a course

Fill out and send an online application.


We will contact you before the beginning of a new course period.


  • Horten Kommunale voksenopplæring
    Postboks 10
    3191 Horten
  • Besøk
    Kong Sverre, Nedre vei 18
    3183 Horten
  • Telefon
    957 11 363
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